Saturday, September 11, 2021

ambitious thought

 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.  Matthew 16:19 

Revelation 1:17 When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. But He laid His right hand on me, saying, “Fear not, I am the first and the last, 18 and the living one. I died, and behold I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of Death and Hades. 

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.  Ephesians 6:12 

Rom 8:38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

  And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. Rev 12:1

Matthew 16 |

Revelation 1 |

Ephesians 6 |

Romans 8 - For I am sure |

Rev 12 |


anubis -  black jackal

" assisted in the “opening of the mouth” ritual to ensure a good burial. This ritual was performed so the dead person could eat and speak in the after life.

 .. of roles surrounding the dead included the Guardian of Scales where he dictated the fate of souls


"[in mythology] present in the final stage of the Weighing of the Heart which closes the souls of the dead's journey.

" ... initially worshiped as a moon god. The cycles of the moon performed a necessary function in historical Egyptian astronomy and astrology. Many of the very powerful rituals and occasions in historical Egypt had been organized in line with the cycles of the moon.

....  in all of the completely different [mythological] variations of the creation of the written phrase, Thoth was the one who created the written phrase for all of humanity to make use of.

... also called the report keeper of every part that occurs on this planet ..  saved the report of the variety of days and the years and can be credited for the formulation of the calendar, the emerald tablets of Thoth.

.. depicted as a dog-faced baboon or a person with the pinnacle of a baboon.

"Although there seems to be no direct indication in the etymology of the word “thought” that connects it to the ancient Egyptian name Thoth, the meanings of both words are so related that it could not be a coincidence. Of course, this is a bold statement because it would imply that the creators of the Egyptian language and thought are somehow related to modern-day English language and thought.

... In other words, the Sanctuary of Thoth [in The Westcar Papyrus]  becomes the Sanctuary of Thought ..  the secret chambers must be a metaphor for the hidden chambers or glands in the brain. 

.. we see that Djehudi (Thoth?) is 110 years old [in The Westcar Papyrus] . The number 110 is a key length in the sacred geometry of the Great Pyramid (110 cubits is a fourth of its base length) and in many other megalithic structures like the Hypogeum in Malta. Indeed, researchers have found that the whole Hypogeum temple is designed to resonate at a frequency of 110 Hertz.

In 2008, a report was published by Dr Ian Cook of UCLA in which he describes his findings of an experiment in which he monitored regional brain activity in a number of healthy volunteers through exposure to different resonance frequencies. His findings indicated that, at 110 Hz, the patterns of activity over the prefrontal cortex abruptly shifted, resulting in a relative deactivation of the language center and a temporary shifting from left to right-sided dominance, related to emotional processing. This shift did not occur at other frequencies. This means that the Hypogeum’s oracle chamber was constructed in such a way as to induce mystical experiences and hyperdimensional consciousness. And please note that the Hypogeum was built 1500 years before the Egyptian pyramids!!!

... Apparently, the Maltese megalith builders had a complete understanding of how certain frequencies deactivate the language center in the human brain. And they knew perfectly well how to build sanctuaries resonating with these consciousness-altering frequencies. But why would these people have been interested in deactivating the language center in the brain?

Reality as we know it is made up of atoms and molecules that form increasingly complex and self-organizing structures which we call living beings. The relationships, geometries and resonances between the components of living beings are the “letters” that make up the language or “the word” of creation and are therefore “sacred.” As a result, we can say that language functions as the universal software program that programs reality.

.. Human language, on the other hand, is made of another kind of words. The letters that make up our words are phonetic symbols with which we can transmit very complex information but with which we can also influence our own thoughts and beliefs. It is our thoughts and beliefs that define what we call “reality” or “non-reality” or what is manifest or not manifest.

As a result, we can say that human language functions as a software program that programs our reality. In short, we can say that language and belief are inextricably intertwined like the two strands of the DNA molecule, the building block of life itself.

The problem is that because of their merely phonetic function, the letters and sounds of human languages have no connection with any geometric or resonant principle in the creational language. Although the Bible tells us that “In the Beginning was the Word,” we seem to have forgotten the deepest sense of the word “Word.” The fact that there are hundreds of human languages does not make a positive contribution to a united humanity nor to our self-identification as an intrinsic part of the planetary ecological system.

... In order to (re)connect with the source language of sacred geometry and resonance it seems logical that they switch off our “unnatural” language system in the brain. We can now easily imagine how our ancestors, during rituals inside these “thought” sanctuaries, resonated with the source, speaking the same language of the micro cosmos and the macro cosmos.

In a healthy system, every component, from the smallest atom to the biggest star system, “speaks the same language.” It is therefore right to say that it is the deviation of human language from the primordial language of creation that causes the deviation of humanity from nature.

.. Logically, when we “speak” this source language we enter into resonance with the whole of creation. This means that we gain a much deeper influence over reality at the moment we enter into resonance with the universe.

Igor Oakwood,  26 NOVEMBER, 2020 ,


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