Friday, October 29, 2021

Coping with scope

Over the course of this blog,

  I've done what I pray believers are doing. 

The audience -- whomever God sends this way. 

What I write is for far more than to say my 'piece' , although for a believer, The Word alive inside of you, there's power in speaking for moving in agreement with God and His body of believers. 

In pouring here, I carry the burden that believers in Christ are being called to carry. 

The information presented and surrounding us on a daily basis is in a process of forming the world we are living in. Only where Truth is defines a reality where there's a future in sight.

If you are a believer in Christ, congratulations. You have The Truth. 

The TRUTH is powerful, having specific qualities. It is definitive. 

The Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 

In his right hand he held seven stars, from his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword, and his face was like the sun shining in full strength. Rev 1:16

 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. John 6:35

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psa 119:105

And he said to them, Is a lamp brought in to be put under a basket, or under a bed, and not on a stand? For nothing is hidden except to be made manifest; nor is anything secret except to come to light.  If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.  And he said to them, Pay attention to what you hear: with the measure you use, it will be measured to you, and still more will be added to you.  For to the one who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. Mark 4:21-25

To attempt to come up against the The Truth requires the total opposite - deception,  depravity -- all of which will never exceed The TRUTH in power.  

This Jesus God raised up, and of that we all are witnesses.  Being therefore exalted at the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has poured out this that you yourselves are seeing and hearing.  For David did not ascend into the heavens, but he himself says,       
“‘The Lord said to my Lord, 
“Sit at my right hand, 
  until I make your enemies your footstool.”’              Acts 2:32-35

When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.  He will glorify me, for he will take what is Mine and declare it to you. John 16:13-14

What is Mine ... 

You know ... what persons know about themselves and others in love is a mirror into Who God is, more than people would like to take a look at I think. He created us. So, why wouldn't our love language, the way we understand love,  be the language in which we come to know Him?

The persons closest to you are those with whom you can share the more with, an expression in love. We have those acquaintances we like to tell our good news. We have those we like to vent to. However, those considered 'true blue' get a view into our good and our difficult seasons.  Can you imagine coming to one of these and after sharing something difficult with them, you couldn't seem to catch up with them again? 

Those 'true blue' want to see you through, want to know what you need and know they can expect the same from you.  The TRUTH is, Jesus called His disciples friends before He went to sit on the throne (John 15:15). What did a friend of Jesus look like ?

" ... I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you . "

Jesus went to the Cross and then ascended to Heaven with the marks on His hands, feet, and side -- the burden He carried for us -- as an eternal testimony of True Love. His exalted body has holes in it, for you and me . As the church matures, I believe it looks like an understanding of what it means to carry the burdens on God's heart. He finished the work, He went to the end of it .. so that we can meet Him there. 

He took everything on Himself in all the ways that would be the experience separation from God if we had to do the same. When there is a burden we carry in our life for any season, it's a place Jesus has already been.  As a friend, He says that what He has is ours. Will the Church learn the honor of learning the whole person?  Jesus, The Way and The Truth is a deep place with the capacity for looking on at all that is going on today and seeing His ends, to the Glory of God. 

If we think this never looks like carrying a burden on the journey He went before us, we have missed it. 

In my personal testimony post,

 I share on how getting to know God can be shocking. This has been an ongoing process wherein I've had to learn many things I did not learn in a church.  A burden of God's heart is a real thing .  I'd not come into acquaintance with anyone carrying a burden of God's heart most of my adult life, or know of this as a part of the believer's journey until making the decisions I describe in my testimony post made me available to get to know God instead of keep acquaintance with my finite assumptions concerning most of what I thought on the whole matter.

I describe these things in order to start getting to the point in a razor sharp manner. It's easy to review so many things today and possibly absorb, if any, a mere fraction of what may or may not be true. 

The great news is that Jesus promised in John 16:13-14  the Truth will come and meet His people. 

 In my experience, the Truth can very well be heavy. I've decided, if Jesus is yet there, then it's the only place fit for me. 

What I will share hence is not a light thing. It is, however my invitation from a Friend to share in a burden and to partner with Him in the way He desires to with those whom He loves and calls friend. 

The reason I bring the Church into this discussion at all is because it is, unfortunately, a burden I feel I carry that I do not know personally any other believer carrying. However many may nevertheless be carrying the burden I will cover in this post, I have not crossed paths with them in my own personal life.  In comparison to the size of the crisis, no believer should be alone in weighing out the issues going on. 

Foremost, God did not design His Church body to have to go it alone. 

It is my prayer that the Truth go out and bring with it the courage to start/have the conversation within the Body of Christ, which, as Esther, is the answer God is partnered with. I pray that courage looks like going after the Truth, without fear. 

Again, this is not a light thing to share. May God's grace be on this post to receive and process according to His heart, as I also am in need of grace. In the name of Jesus, Amen

Danny Silk recently shared several messages at Jesus Culture in California. They were very fiery, calling the Body of Christ out of a slumber of fear and complacency. 

One of the scripture references he used is the one found in Luke 14:34 -

Salt is good, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored?

A short time after listening to his messages given at Jesus Culture for multiple listens, I had a dream that I could only relatively gather the meaning of when trying. 

In the dream, I went into my kitchen and my attention was drawn to a bag filled with what I would assume was something like a large storage of dry cereal - being in the size of a bag it was in my dream - but containing what looked the color and size of what I'm familiar with as pink salt crystals. In waking life, I do not use processed salt. 

As I took a look closer look, I noticed bugs crawling in the mix. In the dream, without further weighing on what this was actually a bag of, my attention was immediately redirected on confining what was in the bag so that it would not progress into a home issue. I went to grab a garbage bag in order to throw the whole sack in the garbage. In the midst of my attempting this task, I observed as cluster formations of the infestation began crawling around my kitchen. 

 I will stop here to interject that God has never shown me something to be fearful of. The Truth is Love. 

In the days that followed the dream, the meaning began meeting me in an alarming way which brings me to share, as one would to family members they care for ... and to do so with the Grace that God allows to carry the burden instead of try to go on as if I saw nothing. The Truth is, God already has the Victory. God's people have the real revelation of this where we yield to partner with Him in the ways in which He has chosen to reveal the Victory in this season . 

This thing actually goes back a few months. 

Another ministry I follow in California streamed a conference they held, where many guest speakers were present addressing the current events of health, politics, etc. from a Christian perspective. It was in viewing the video playback of this conference, in May of this year (2021) that I  first came across Carrie Madej. 

Carrie Madej is a doctor from Michigan who received her medical degree from Kansas City University of Medical Biosciences in 2001, specializing in osteopathic medicine. 

What I know about her own testimony has been a sum of what she's spoken out of her own mouth during messages, podcast visits, or Q&A sessions I've listened to. In sum, the most important things I've learned about her story, including some of the sacrifices she's made as a believer Jesus in order to operate ethically as a doctor in the current climate, I have not found written down anywhere although there is lots of info to read if searching her name. 

Prior to first seeing her in my May viewing of the conference she participated in , I'd been closely looking into the issue raised - in Christian news at least - about the use of fetal cells in the development of the current 'fast-tracked' vaccines. Then in May one of the very first things I learn about this doctor, as shared in her testimony during the conference, is that she is an abortion survivor, surviving several attempts on her life in the womb. I have not read or heard her share this during any other interview she's been a part of.

In her choice to personally research what's contained in the new vaccines and provide the info in public forum, she speaks to a wide variety of persons who provide a platform to have the discussion. As a doctor, she shares the scientific facts of her finds and her passion for the preservation of humanity -- what is at stake when listening to the specifics of her finds. The conference in May was a Christian platform where what was shared was more wholly enabled by Christian audience. What she shared then was amazing, including being witness to the presence of God's angels on guard during seasons much like the one we are now in. 

So, since May of this year, I have been following the research and experiences Madej has shared during interviews posted. In them, she spells out what mRNA technology is, contents found in what she's observed under the microscope, and battles she's experienced within the medical community in choosing to peruse and share her findings. More recently, and shortly after the dream I had, recent developments in her findings brought the meaning of the dream into clear perspective. At it, a burden rested which brings me to share in this post for those who have ears to hear. 

I warn that going to look this info up will be a journey into having to process what only God can give you the grace for processing without fear. I've shared the basics in relation to the dream I had in this post. And, I pray if you're here at this post at all, God has lead your steps.   

Directly from her site on Oct 26, 2021 -- in follow up to observing what she described as a 'self-aware organisms' in a samples of the Moderna and J&J products, reported in early Oct  -- 

" Hydra, a hydrozoan cnidarian that takes its name from the eponymous creature in Greek mythology due to its remarkable capacity for regeneration ... capable of locomotion by creeping, as well as through distinctive looping and somersaulting maneuvers .. also capable of morphallaxis, a remarkable regenerative process where, after sustaining an injury, the organism is able to essentially reorganize its body, producing a smaller yet complete version of itself .."

In this post at her site, Madej describes the organism, which she believes she observed the likeness of in the samples she viewed, stated in reports during early Oct. 

After observing the recent info at Madej's site, I knew immediately that it was in fact related to the dream I recently had. What's most weighing is that the infestation I saw in the dream was in a bag of salt. 

Salt in the New Testament is representative of God's people, the light in the darkness, the Government of Heaven in the earth. As addressed way earlier in this post, it's up to the Church to make the choice to partner with God -- He will not force anyone.  He can let us know He's there, has already set the Victory in motion, even personally speak to us confirming what He has established in Scripture. 

If carrying a burden is required, I know to trust it means only opportunity to meet Him in a new place along my journey. He will never leave or forsake His own. 


Several years ago, 2018 to be exact, I was drawn to look into the narrative of Pegasus.

If you know even the least bit, you know that this is a mythical creature resembling a horse . 

The search and find was/is prophetic, coming to mind after seeing the name of the microscopic organism Madej believes could be what she observed. I hope you will gather something from it. 


" In Greek mythology, Pegasus was an immortal winged horse, one of the two children of Poseidon and Medusa ... Pegasus sprang forth most miraculously from [Medusa's] neck after Perseus had beheaded her."


" Medusa was a formidable foe, since her hideous appearance was able to render any onlooker into stone."


In mythology, Perseus accomplished his mission with winged sandals; a bag to carry the head of the Medusa; a helmet which would make him invisible. Using the winged sandals, Perseus flew above Medusa with a shield for his gaze and cut Medusa's head off.

The journey I began last year with this blog is quite simply strengthened this season in a way I had not expected. That is, 

appreciation for the creature God Almighty created in mankind, able to choose and look like Him. 

What this looks like to me in carrying the burden of this season is consistent with what I described in some of my first posts. Kindness, gentleness, patience. How far a smile or friendly eye contact goes ... when you realize the value of looking at a fellow human being and being able to know what you're looking at is God's handiwork work and not a genetic experiment's mess.

When I read the info I came upon recently, shared here, I am not frightened by the science, but sorrowful for the minds working in unison for satan against what God Almighty has fashioned .. as in the days of Noah. 

'Game time' is over.  

Move in gratitude for every place you see God's hand in your day, in your life and in the life of others. Every single person has a sphere of influence. It's not the strangers that are surfing through their feed and see a post or two by you on their social media. It's the living human beings passing you in the grocery store, driving next to you on the street, picking up their children next to you at the elementary and middle school. 

Wake up sleepers.  

Love is the only thing that conquers. 

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Psa 139

 Where shall I go from Your Spirit?

Or where shall I flee from Your presence?

If I ascend to heaven, You are there!

If I make my bed in Sheol, You are there!

If I take the wings of the morning

and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,

10  even there Your hand shall lead me,

and Your right hand shall hold me.

11  If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me,

and the light about me be night,”

12  even the darkness is not dark to You;

the night is bright as the day,

for darkness is as light with You.

13  For You formed my inward parts;

you knitted me together in my mother’s 


14 I praise youfor I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Wonderful are your works;

my soul knows it very well.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Isa 62

 למען ציון לא אחשה ולמען ירושלם לא אשקוט עד־יצא כנגה צדקה וישועתה כלפיד יבער׃

ישעה 62:1 


  When the poor and needy seek water, and there is none, and their tongue is parched with thirst, I the LORD will answer them; I the God of ...